Oxford Spires Academy Year 10 work experience week - what the students thought

We had 11 students from Oxford Spires Academy for a week of work experience. They spent 5 days from 10am to 2.45 pm at Wytham doing various activities in the Woods, and talking to the people who worked there. They met, and learned about the work of, the Conservator, the administrator, an entomologist, two of the foresters, the Director and Manager of the Hill End Outdoor Education Centre, two of the farm workers, two of the citizen science contributors, the bushcraft expert, and a bird/small mammal research assistant.

For activities, we navigated round the site on some fairly long walks, did some path maintenance at Hill End, visited the farm to learn about their regenerative agriculture approach, put up a huge parachute shelter between the trees, and on the final day cooked a meal for the students themselves and for the researchers on site.

I asked the students to write their own appraisal of themselves. I also asked them for a recommendation to others about Wytham Woods, and feedback on what we could improve in a work experience week. There wasn’t much negative feedback and it was all about the length of the day (they got tired), and the muddy paths (they didn’t all have appropriate footwear, but they managed).

The students’ voices

Student 1 said –

I believe that I did amazing and engaged with all the activities and work. I also was very helpful. An example is when I helped Kim move the parachute and help her find it and when we were making food in the kitchen I cut most of the vegetables. I did not refuse not did I complain about anything all week. When we were setting up the parachute and when we fixed the path in Hill End, I did not stop working and I tried my best at everything. My attitude has also been positive towards all the staff and I showed my respect towards them.

I really enjoyed coming to Wytham Woods and having the opportunity to work here. I enjoyed this because it was really fun and we did a lot of walking and we did not waste any time or our work time. I also really liked how we all got to listen to the staff talking about what they do and what there jobs were.

Student 2 said –

I had a great time at Wytham Woods learning and seeing nature right in front of me. I also enjoyed meting many experts, who have advanced knowledge and intelligence on the specific category. I have tried to contribute at my max potential. For example, the task we were assigned to do at Hill End. I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience in nature.

Wytham Woods in an exceptional place for older children to teenagers to visit. It has many activities to take part in like sightseeing, hiking, camping, and many more. It gives you a different perspective to the wildlife and nature. Overall I think this place is an amazing place to visit which I recommend to students and also adults to visit and possibly stay.

Student 3 said –

My name is xxxxx. I am 14 years old and I go to Oxford Spires Academy in Oxford and I sort of like it. At Wytham Woods I learnt how to work in a team, make new friendships, always be patient and to motivate each other when down.

You should come to Wytham Woods because it has beautiful views and activities. It is also a great place to come sightseeing and experience a peaceful time. There lots of facts you can learn and teach to other people.

Student 4 said –

Through the week I managed to arrive on time every day. I loved walking round the Woods and looking at all the different plants and wildlife. I also tried very hard with the shovelling when we were laying the paths, which I found very fund. I also liked going through mud and helped with map reading and figuring out which paths to take. I got involved with all the tasks and put in lots of effort and also volunteered for lots of different things. I was very respecting of the woodland and wildlife and I also behaved very well all week. I learned lots about the research that takes place in the Woods and was very interested to listen to people talking about their jobs and roles in the woodland and farms. I think the week provided an excellent insight into working at Wytham Woods and also what it is like to work in a woodland environment.

Student 5 said -

Throughout the trip I really enjoyed the walks through wood and there memorising surrounding views. There was a lot to see and admire about the area from its scenic view to lush green forests. Our place of stay was really nice and comfortable. We also had the availability of Internet which really helped with a place of interest and sacred signal. I liked the activities we did although they were hard but we're nice.

Student 6 said –

My name is xxxxx. I am 15 years old and I got to Oxford Spires Academy and I’m in year 10. I like to play football in my spare time. During my stay at Wytham Woods I did lots of working and lots of different activities. We went over to Hill End where we put woodchip on to paths.

I think young people should come to Wytham Woods because it’s a lovely place out in the open. It’s got lots of nature and different habitats, and its good for sightseeing and just having a walk. It’s also got lots of different animals and birds which live here, so if you like animals, Wytham Woods is a great place to come.

Student 7 said -

In this work experience I think that I have tried to contribute and complete the tasks I have been assigned. The things I was given to do I think I completed them very nicely. During this entire week of work experience I have gained a lot of knowledge on what the adults go through daily to provide food and things for their families.

Wytham Woods is an area for teenagers to explore the wildlife and see what there is outside the streets. This place is very inspirational for young adults which helps them do or clear the things they want to do in life. This area helps the teenagers to mature and get an idea of how actual jobs work and how easily you could get fired.

Overall this place is a wonderful area that is nearly perfect.

Student 8 said -

I think the work experience in the Woods was good because we all worked together as a team and had fun. For example we cooked together and make the parachute cover and went to Hill End and digged up soil.

I found the trip fun and exciting. I liked it when we walked around the woods and it was very calm and relaxing as you could hear the birds and everything. It was nice when we also went to the farm and saw the cows from afar. You should come to Wytham because there are lots of trees and wildlife to look at and enjoy It’s a quiet and calm place and there is lots of nature.

Student 9 said –

In my opinion I did the best at both behaviour and curiosity as I asked intelligent and interesting questions for example I know that Wytham Woods is globally recognised and under Oxford University for research on the exotics. In terms of behaviour I made a successful attempt on bringing out the positive side of me despite gruesome and deep mud and steep hills that show up non-stop.

As a member of generation Z, I’m more or less on technology most of the time, and taking this 1 week job of Wytham Woods (OX2 8QQ), has really changed my view of nature and made me appreciate the natural world that may soon go and allows me to cherish the memories of the beautiful woods. I think Wytham Woods will increase the mental health of young people and raise awareness that will hopefully bring down the destructive situation known as global warming.

 Student 10 was too distracted to write anything but was an amazing young man with huge energy, sense of responsibility and a natural leader.

Student 11 was also fabulous, open to ideas and learning. He had to leave early so could not complete the assessment.