Carbon measurements in Wytham Woods: Cherwell A level Geography field work

How much carbon is there in one of the massive beech trees at Wytham Woods? Mr Littlewood is finding out!

Cherwell School year 13s were one of several schools who measured Wytham’s trees this year. That’s on top of the 22,000 trees measured by the University researchers themselves in summer 2021. You can see the orange dots and the little ID tags on the trees that the researchers measured. And sometimes you can see researchers still splattered in orange paint. The metal tags jangle in the wind in a calming or spooky way, depending on your mood.

Here are Cherwell year 13 in December in the plantations, on the only snowy day we've had this winter. This day was to practice fieldwork techniques and plan their coursework projects. Those who chose carbon measurements for their project came back a week later to take all their measurements.