Ellen MacArthur Foundation talk to IB teachers

EMF at IBSCA Nov 19.jpg

A day in Warwick University conference centre on an IB teacher training event usually means delicious food and interesting conversations, and this time was no exception. We were very grateful to IBSCA for letting us come for a second time to talk to their delegates about climate change.

This time we brought our lovely friend from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation education team, Harrison Wavell, to talk to them about the Circular Economy and how it is a vital approach to tackling our climate and ecological emergency. A circular (regenerative) economy is one where we use our waste as our raw materials, and design our products to re-enter the manufacturing cycle at end of life. It is an approach which bursts with great ideas and is leading to some of the most exciting an innovative business models we are seeing today.

It turned out that an hour was not nearly long enough for our IB teachers. Harri had them hooked. IB teachers think outside the box and you could see the excitement as the education experts immediately saw the application to their own teaching and schools. We left them slightly frustrated not to have more time to talk about their ideas, but hopefully we’ve spread the CE meme!

Really interesting and challenging - links well with my curricular teaching.
— Rupert
I like the part about creating student who think in systems
— Mamoun

Harri (pictured above) is teaching with LIGC on the circular economy course in July 2020 in Oxford.