Citizen Science in Oxfordshire

If you are looking for a volunteering project you may like the Oxfordshire Doorstep Nature Project. You can do from home or school, and we can offer some training to get you going and help you if you get stuck.

The University of Oxford is researching nature and wildlife in Oxfordshire. The Oxfordshire Doorstep Nature Project has been set up by Dr Kim Polgreen, who works with the Leverhulme Centre for Nature Recovery. Your contribution in spotting and recording species across the county will help us create a map of the presence and abundance of species across the county, particularly in urban areas. You can enrol in the project for your D of E volunteering, or any other volunteering activity. Sign up below.

Training and check in days

We will run some of these at Wytham Woods or another suitable site around Oxford, or for schools, can come to your school.

Set yourself up

You will need a smartphone and a data allowance (and permission from the bill payer).

1.      Download the Seek by iNaturalist app. Seek does not record any data about you or your location.

2.      Open the iNaturalist website or download the iNaturalist app and make an account (for 13 years old and above – otherwise an adult needs to have the account).

3.      Sign up for the Oxfordshire Doorstep Nature Project on iNaturalist via the app or website.

4.       Email us with your name and school, and iNaturalist username and we’ll admit your observations into the project.

Making observations

Practice making observations using Seek. When you feel confident, you can upload them to iNaturalist as you make them, using the ”upload to iNaturalist” button (It only appears when you first make the observation; you may need to scroll down to see it). Or upload observations later from the iNaturalist app or website, from the photos stored on your phone, and add the geo location for each from the photo. You will see your observations join others on the project map in iNaturalist. You can find the same species multiple times in different locations and on different dates.

Your survey approach

You can decide how you want to do your surveys. You can be random about it and just add what you see wherever you are. Or you might want to focus on a particular area such as your garden or local park and survey it every week to see changes over time. You could focus on a set of particular species or try and find all the species in that space. You can discuss your approach on a training day at Wytham. You should document your approach on your activity sheet. You can change your approach through the project, as all observations are useful.

sign up

If you would like to sign up, please complete the form below. It needs input from the student and their parent/guardian.


If you have any questions please email