Business for a Wilder Future

BBOWT business at Said Nov 2019.jpg

Our local Wildlife Trust, BBOWT, went straight for the business brain this week with an event at the Said Business School on “The Role of Business in a Wilder Future”. Intrigued, because I have always seen business as having a key role in ensuring we don’t endanger our own futures by damaging our limited planetary resources, I went along. On one hand it was an inspiring event - Jordans Cereals talking passionately about sustainable sources of almonds and oats being the highlight for me. And meeting the fantastic Kathy Willis who is hopefully going to lend us one of her team for our courses next summer was brilliant.

But on the other hand it did feel as if the arguments being made were the same as those I was engaged with 20 years ago as a sustainability consultant for businesses. The same arguments and opportunities are being discovered by a new generation of sustainability managers - which goes to highlight how hard it is to shift a paradigm. Perhaps the time is now right. It really does seem that good business means working within the bounds of what the planet has to offer.